Monday, November 26, 2007

A slow day

A couple of days ago i saw Beowolf. It reminded me of some stuff thati did a couple of months ago. Here's some viking art for all you people. It's a slow day and i got deadlines for one of classes. If i don't get it done then i just screwed myself. On the brighter side of life weather hasn't been brutal enough to make me miserable. Thank god for clothing, one of the most taken for granted things man ever invented. Oh yeah, it's back to school after a week's break. This was done for a project that required us to do 3 different styles we were capable of.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Blog my ass off!

I guess I decided it was time for me to start my own blog. Don't know why. I guess there are days where you just need to rant to the virtual world we believe we live in. I am not a deep person and i am not here to save the world, just here to talk/brag/whine/shout/rant about whatever happened to me that i think is worth remembering since i have a low capacity for remembering memorable experiences in life. So with open arms i welcome myself to the world of blogging. May the cyber God (if there is one) save us all. Oh yeah, i'll also try to post some of my stuff that i drew. If my worthless blabbing isn't your cup of tea, then hopefully my illustrations are.